Laser tattoo removal uses a high-speed laser beam to go through the top layer of skin and target the tattoo ink underneath. This process breaks down the tattoo pigment into tiny fragments, which the body's immune system then naturally eliminates.
Many places on the Sunshine Coast who provide tattoo removal use Q-Switch lasers that generate heat. However, we are proud to use the Discovery Pico laser technology that uses photoacoustic waves.
Using photoacoustic waves instead of heat, Discovery Pico lasers mean faster results, fewer sessions, less pain and more effective breakdown of even stubborn ink.
Learn more about how laser tattoo removal works here.
Laser tattoo removal has become the preferred method for removing tattoos due to its safety, effectiveness, and ability to treat various ink colours. It has largely replaced other methods such as excision, dermabrasion, and salabrasion. Here are some key differences between laser tattoo removal and other methods:
Safety and minimal side effects: lasers are considered safer than other methods because they selectively target the pigment in the tattoo without damaging the surrounding skin. Other methods, like excision and dermabrasion, can cause more damage to the skin and result in scarring.
Effectiveness: Laser tattoo removal can remove or fade tattoos more effectively than other methods. It works by targeting pigment colours in the skin's dermis, breaking up the ink into smaller particles that the immune system can digest and remove. This process requires multiple treatments, but it can successfully remove or fade most tattoos.
Ability to treat various ink colours: Lasers can treat a wide range of ink colours, including those that were once difficult to remove, such as greens, yellows, and turquoise. This is due to advancements in laser technology, which allows for the targeting of specific pigment colours.
Less invasive: It is a less invasive procedure compared to methods like excision or dermabrasion, which involve removing layers of skin. Laser treatment only treats the pigment in the tattoo, making it a less invasive option.
Reduced scarring: The laser removal method typically results in little to no scarring at the tattoo site or on the surrounding skin, unlike other removal methods that can cause more scarring.
Given these advantages, it's clear why laser tattoo removal has emerged as the leading method for removing unwanted tattoos, outperforming traditional techniques in terms of safety, effectiveness, versatility, invasiveness, and minimal scarring.
Tattoo removal has seen significant advancements with the introduction of picosecond lasers, which are considered more effective and faster than the Q-switched lasers. An example of a picosecond laser is the Discovery Pico that we use here at Nude Skin Clinic.
The Discovery Pico laser can remove any colour ink, utilising different wavelengths for specific colours. 532nm is effective on red, orange, and yellow, while 1064nm is used for black, brown, purple and other dark shades. The 1064nm Pico has also had great results with removing green and blue inks depending on the shades.
For context, traditional tattoo removal often employs Q-switched laser technology. The most common types of Q-switched lasers include the Nd:YAG, ruby laser and alexandrite laser. The Q-switched ruby and alexandrite lasers are for removing black, blue, and green pigments. The Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, on the other hand, can target a broader range of colours depending on its wavelength.
To prepare for a tattoo removal session, follow these steps:
Consult a professional: Speak with a tattoo removal expert to understand the process, risks, and benefits, and to set realistic expectations.
Stay out of the sun: Avoid sun excessive exposure.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Stay hydrated, eat healthily.
Clean the area: Shower or bathe before the appointment, ensuring the area to be treated is clean and free of lotions, oils, creams, or fragrances.
Wear loose clothing: Dress in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that won't rub against the treated area.
Remember that tattoo removal is a process that requires multiple sessions, and results may not be visible for several weeks. It's essential to stay consistent and persistent throughout the treatment to achieve the best results.
Unfortunately tanning can cause complications and affect the effectiveness of the laser treatment.
Tanning can cause changes in your skin pigmentation and can increase the chances of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation.
We recommend making sure the tattoo area has not been sun exposed prior treatment and post treatment not exposed to the sun.
The Discovery Pico laser reduces the risk of hyper- or hypopigmentation by utilising ultra-short picosecond pulse durations and ensuring that energy absorption in different skin tones is minimised. The ultra-short pulse durations create a photoacoustic effect, which effectively breaks down tattoo pigmentation without causing excessive heat or damage to the surrounding tissue. This minimises the risk of side effects such as hyper- or hypopigmentation and scarring.
Additionally, the Discovery Pico laser operates at different wavelengths, which are less likely to be absorbed by the skin. This further reduces the risk of hyper- or hypopigmentation by ensuring that the laser energy is primarily absorbed by the tattoo ink and minimally absorbed by other chromophores in the skin. Overall, the Pico lasers unique technology allows for a safer and more effective tattoo removal process for all skin types, including darker skin tones that were previously at higher risk for developing pigment-related side effects.
Yes, older tattoos are generally easier to remove than newer ones. This is because older tattoos have typically experienced some fading over time due to factors such as sun exposure and the body's natural process of breaking down the ink particles.
As a result, older tattoos often require fewer laser removal sessions compared to newer tattoos. However, the ease of removal also depends on various factors such as ink colour, ink depth and density, ink type, and skin type.
It is not necessarily easier to remove a new tattoo compared to an older one. In fact, newer tattoos are not easier to remove via laser technology than older tattoos.
However, it is possible to remove a new tattoo, but you need to wait until it has completely healed before starting the removal process, which typically takes around 8 weeks
Absolutely, you can fade your tattoo for a cover-up! Many clients come to us to fade or remove a tattoo so they can add a new design.
Fading a tattoo before a cover-up is often recommended to avoid the old tattoo showing through or affecting the new ink, giving the artist greater control over the colour and intensity of the new tattoo. We can even fade stubborn tattoos, like heavy lines and green or blue ink.
It's important to consult with a professional tattoo artist and a laser tattoo removal specialist to determine the extent of fading needed for your specific cover-up design. The time frame for laser removal depends on the chosen design for the new tattoo, and the technician and artist can work together to determine the extent of fading needed.
After the laser removal sessions, it's recommended to wait about three months before getting the new tattoo to ensure proper healing
After completing your laser tattoo removal sessions, it takes between 3 to 6 months before you can begin new work on a tattoo.
This waiting period is important to ensure that your skin has properly healed and the immune system has finished clearing away any ink particles.
To start the removal process and begin planning your next tattoo, book now with Nude Skin Clinic.
The number of treatments depends upon the size, colour, design and your skin type.
The good news: our Discovery Pico laser removal system typically requires up to 50% fewer sessions than traditional laser methods.
To find out exactly how many sessions you’ll need set up a consultation here.
From your first to final session, aftercare is an important part of the tattoo removal process. For best results, our technicians will advise you to:
Avoid sun exposure, wearing at least factor 30 sun protection on the treated area
Apply our Nude Skin Clinic balm (daily) or a similar product and avoid picking scabs/blisters to minimise risk of infection
Wear loose, clean and non-fluffy clothing to avoid rubbing the healing area
Sessions are booked 6-8 weeks apart to ensure proper healing, based on findings from clinical trials.
Your tattoo will begin to fade within the first two to three weeks after treatment. However, the rate of fading depends on various factors, including the strength of your immune system, the age and depth of the tattoo ink, and the colour and size of the tattoo. The body will continue to eliminate the ink particles for several weeks and even months after your last session.
It is important to note that every individual's removal process is unique, and the length of treatment and number of sessions will depend on the specific factors mentioned above. Therefore, it is essential to be patient and not compare your fading process with others, as body immune systems work differently in different people.
Tattoo removal is an uncomfortable experience, the good news is the treatments are extremely quick.
At Nude Skin Clinic, we offer the most comfortable and effective laser tattoo removal services at the Sunshine Coast, using Discovery Pico laser. This advanced technology works differently than other traditional laser removal methods, which use a photo-thermal action that can cause pain, skin damage, and even scarring.
With Discovery Pico lasers, however, powerful yet gentle photoacoustic shockwaves are used to shatter the ink particles without damaging surrounding tissue.
We also use a cryo cooling air machine that helps minimise discomfort and reduces swelling.
We do recommend numbing cream if you are worried about the level of pain during your treatment.
Due to Discovery Pico technology, scarring is an extremely rare side effect of laser tattoo removal. Great attention is given to strict laser protocols, well-trained technicians and aftercare, further minimising the chance of scarring.
With our Discovery Pico laser technology, side effects are greatly minimised by using photoacoustic waves, not heat, unlike most laser tattoo methods.
However, there are typically temporary, short-term effects like crusting, swelling, rash and blistering, often limited to skin affected by the laser.
The Discovery Pico laser has received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for tattoo removal and is considered safe and effective. Using advanced technology it is able to break up tattoo ink into tiny particles that are easily absorbed by the body without damaging the skin.
The Discovery Pico laser is generally associated with minimal pain, a quick recovery time, and a very low risk of side effects. The treatment is non-invasive and will not affect the tissue surrounding the tattoo.
For those looking to remove unwanted tattoos, the Discovery Pico laser offers a reliable and efficient solution. However, it is essential to consult with an experienced professional to discuss your specific situation and ensure the best possible outcome.
Tattoo colour does affect laser removal, as different colours react differently to laser wavelengths. Laser tattoo removal works by breaking up ink particles in the skin, which are then absorbed by the body's immune system and carried away. The effectiveness of this process depends on the absorption of light energy by the tattoo ink particles, which varies depending on the ink colour.
Different laser wavelengths are effective for treating different colours. For example, the 532nm wavelength is effective for treating red ink and warm-toned colours such as yellow and orange. The 1064nm wavelength laser is the most effective in removing black and other darker colours.
The Discovery Pico laser is effective at removing various tattoo colours, including some of the most difficult ones.
While the Discovery Pico laser is effective at removing multiple ink colours, it is important to note that some colours, like white, blue and green, are generally more challenging to remove with laser tattoo removal and may require more sessions than other colours.
Black is the easiest tattoo colour to remove as it absorbs all laser wavelengths, making it the easiest colour to treat. The 1064nm wavelength is particularly effective at targeting dense black ink in the beginning stages of removal